Case study:
Decalu advert design

Deceuninck Aluminium

Context and challenge

The Decalu aluminium system from Deceuninck Aluminium was launched at the start of 2020, into a market that had become increasingly crowded as a result of continued and projected future growth in the aluminium sector.

Our challenge was to create a print advert, to be placed strategically across key industry media titles, that would immediately set Decalu apart from new and established competitor systems.

Faced with the challenge of introducing a new product into an increasingly competitive market, and with other new systems coming on-line at the same time, a print advertising campaign was a vital part of our launch strategy – but we knew it had to make an immediate impact.
Thanks to Lasco’s sector experience and design creativity, Decalu’s ‘first impression’ was outstanding

Nigel Headford,Business Development Director, Deceuninck Aluminium

Our approach

At launch, the initial focus for Decalu was on its bi-fold offering, but with a lift & slide and Entrance door to be introduced later in the year, it was key to the long-term marketing strategy that we communicated the modular design of the system from the word go.

Of equal importance, was the requirement to identify and highlight Decalu’s main USPs, to grab the attention of aluminium manufacturers, the target audience for this phase of the campaign.

We also needed to present a strong call to action, which in this case, was simple. Manufacture Decalu and increase your profit margin.


In order to be successful, all advertising must be memorable – think of your favourites, and they will all be the ones that tell a great story! For print adverts, that narrative always starts with a great design.

In this case, our design team’s brief was to create artwork that encapsulated some of Decalu’s key attributes; a high degree of modularity, 40% manufacturing efficiencies, and a ready market, trough significant installation efficiencies.

Inspired by the Victorinox Swiss Army Knife, the original multi-function tool and arguably one of the most enduring, recognisable designs of all time, the end result perfectly illustrates Decalu’s ‘all-in-one’ modular system

The message – that Decalu presents multiple opportunities in manufacturer – is combined with clear, engaging copy that reinforces the ‘story’ while also presenting further stand out features

The bottom line – literally – is that by manufacturing Decalu, you will make more money!

Channel strategy

Creating an effective, memorable advert is one thing, but to ensure that it has the greatest impact, means that it has to be deployed properly. Using Lasco’s unique insight of glazing industry media, Decalu’s advert was placed strategically in key print titles, and supported by high quality editorial content.

We also extracted additional value by utilising it on social media channels, helping to drive traffic back to the Deceuninck Aluminium website, generating enquiries and maximising ROI.

The client’s assessment

“When you consider that the launch of Decalu coincided with an industry wide ‘all stop’ in April due to Covid-19, the response we have enjoyed over the first 12 months is made even more impressive. The print advertising campaign, as part of a wider marketing strategy from Lasco, was instrumental in delivering those results.”

Nigel Headford,Business Development Director, Deceuninck Aluminium

Our work

We’re extremely proud of the work we do. These are some of our recent projects.


Acorn Aluminium

Brand identity and website


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Deceuninck Aluminium

Decalu advert design