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What’s in a name?

‘Lasco’ has a story. It’s a phonetic spelling of ‘Lascaux’, the complex of caves in South Western France, where more than 600 prehistoric cave paintings, of hunting scenes and animals, were discovered in 1940.

Now a World Heritage Site, those cave paintings spoke to us. They highlighted that since our very beginnings we have had a desire to tell stories.

We may occupy and operate in a digital world – but the ‘story’, the desire to tell it, and its influence on those who hear or see it, remains powerful, and part of our genetic code.

It’s not about the medium; it’s about the narrative.

(We also like dogs and that Lascaux was discovered by four boys, who followed their dog down a fox hole – we think it’s a pretty great justification for coming home with muddy knees!).

Who we are

Lasco was launched at the beginning of 2021. We believe that marketing and PR can be done differently, better, and more cost effectively.

We are a partnership between, John Warren and Nathan Bushell, combining decades of experience in marketing, PR and public affairs, in the built environment sector.

Each also an ex-journalist, we work with a team of specialists in graphic design, digital, photography, video and print.

John Warren,

01242 906598

Nathan Bushell,

01242 906598

How we’re different

Evaluation first and last

We are passionate about connecting what we do to return on investment. That means making evaluation about more than quantitative metrics. It’s about aligning it to organisational goals and recognising financial and non-financial value.

In investing time in organisational goal setting at the start of your next marketing campaign, we can make sure it works; if required, adapt our approach; and measure success against organisational objectives.

Find out more

A digital and remote-first business

We work digitally. We do our best to be paperless (print media is the exception!) and we work remotely when we can, face-to-face when we need to.

That means that our clients don’t pay for our time to spend hours in traffic, or to attend an endless stream of in-person meetings. They also don’t pay for plush offices, ‘creative spaces’ and executive toys!


We work on projects but believe we add greatest value to our clients as their marketing and PR partners.

Through closer working, we understand their business and organisational goals, we know who to talk to about what, and everything flows better.

Want to work with us?

We’re currently looking for motivated and talented people to support our future growth plans.

View our current vacancies