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You expect to be able to track and measure the success of your campaign. We think that’s reasonable.

How do you know what we’re doing is delivering value for money?

As marketeers we have access to a diverse range of quantitative metrics: website visitors; PPC interactions, social media followers and engagements. These are helpful in evaluating campaign success but only in so far as they tell us how a single metric has performed over time.

We need to also be asking why we’re measuring something; what it shows us; and link that activity to campaign objectives and goals.

The same principles apply to print media, direct mail (the postal kind) and other traditional marketing channels. These may be more difficult to measure and require more investment, but also give us quantitative metrics which need to be linked to campaign goals and objectives.

Our solution

We are committed to doing things differently, aligning quantitative metrics to campaign goals and objectives, and providing qualitative analysis to ensure that your campaign and message is always on point. We plan, track, assess – and if we need to, adapt.

Media measurement and evaluation

We have developed a sophisticated media campaign evaluation tool, tracking circulations; readerships; online, audience; e-shot subscribers; and social media followers, to capture quantitative metrics, across key construction, building product and home improvement titles.

Then we analyse key messages; platform authority and share of voice; to track qualitative metrics alongside quantitative ones, and against goals and objectives, throughout and for the duration of your campaign.

Media relations value = Coverage gained X platform authority + share of voice + key messaging